Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Kode Etik Profesi Akuntansi
Etika profesi menurut Keiser dalam ( Suhrawardi Lubis, 1994:6-7 ) adalah sikap hidup berupa keadilan untuk memberikan pelayanan professional terhadap masyarakat dengan penuh ketertiban dan keahlian sebagai pelayanan dalam rangka melaksanakan tugas berupa kewajiban terhadap masyarakat.
Kode Etik Profesi
Kode etik profesi merupakan suatu tatanan etika yang telah disepakati oleh suatu kelompok masyarakat tertentu. Kode etik umumnya termasuk dalam norma sosial, namun bila ada kode etik yang memiliki sanksi dalam kategori norma hukum yang didasari kesusilaan.
Kode etik juga dapat diartikan sebagai pola aturan, tata cara, tanda, pedoman etis dalam melakukan suatu kegiatan atau pekerjaan. Kode etik merupakan pola aturan atau tata cara sebagai pedoman berperilaku dan berbudaya. Tujuan kode etik agar profesionalisme memberikan jasa sebaik-baiknya kepada pemakai jasa atau nasabahnya. Adanya kode etik akan melindungi perbuatan yang tidak profesional.
Fungsi dari Kode Etik Profesi
- Kode etik profesi memberikan pedoman bagi setiap anggota profesi tentang prinsip profesionalitas yang digariskan
- Kode etik profesi merupakan sarana kontrol sosial bagi masyarakat atas profesi yang bersangkutan
- Kode etik profesi mencegah campur tangan pihak diluar organisasi profesi tentang hubungan etika dalam keanggotaan profesi
Prinsip Etika Profesi Akuntansi Menurut IAI
IAI dalam Exposure Draft, Kode Etik Akuntan Profesional, menyebutkan 8 prinsip dasar etika profesi akuntansi. Berikut uraiannya :
- Prinsip Integritas
Prinsip integritas ini mewajibkan setiap akuntan (professional) bersikap lugas dan jujur dalam semua hubungan profesional dan hubungan bisnisnya. Artinya integritas adalah berterus terang dan selalu mengatakan yang sebenarnya.
- Prinsip Objektivitas
Prinsip objektivitas mewajibkan seluruh anggota bersikap adil, jujur secara intelektual, tidak memihak, tidak berprasangka, bebas dari benturan kepentingan atau pengaruh yang tidak sepantasnya dari phak lain.
- Prinsip Kompetensi dan Kehati-hatian Professional
Prinsip kompetensi dan kehati-hatian profesional mengharuskan setiap anggota Akuntan Profesional untuk memelihara pengetahuan dan keahlian profesional yang dibutuhkan untuk menjamin pemberi kerja (klien menerima layanan yang profesional dan kompeten), dan juga bertindak tekun dan cermat sesuai teknis dan profesional yang berlaku ketika memberikan jasa profesional.
- Prinsip Kerahasiaan
Prinsip kerahasiaan mengharuskan setiap akuntan untuk tidak melakukan hal berikut ini :
- Mengungkapkan informasi rahasia yang diperolehnya dari hubungan profesional dan hubungan bisnis pada pihak diluar kantor akuntan atau organisasi tempat akuntan bekerja tanpa diberikan kewenangan yang memadai dan spesifik, terkecuali jika mempunyai hak dan kewajiban secara hukum atau profesional untuk mengungkapkan kerahasiaan tersebut.
- Menggunakan informasi rahasia untuk keuntungan pribadi atau pihak ketiga. Informasi yang diperoleh baik melalui hubungan profesional maupun hubungan bisnis.
- Perilaku Profesional
Prinsip perilaku profesional mewajibkan setiap akuntan profesional mematuhi ketentuan hukum serta peraturan yang berlaku dan menghindari setiap perilaku yang dapat mengurangi kepercayaan pada profesi.
- Tanggung Jawab Profesi
Seorang Akuntan dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawabnya sebagai profesional, harus senantiasa menggunakan pertimbangan moral dan profesional terhadap semua kegiatan yang dilaksanakannya. Anggota memiliki tanggungjawab kepada pemakai jasa profesional mereka dan tanggungjawab untuk bekerja sama dengan sesama anggota demi mengembangkan profesi akuntansi serta memelihara kepercayaan masyarakat. Semua usaha tersebut diperlukan untuk memelihara dan meningkatkan tradisi profesi.
- Standar Teknis
Setiap anggota akuntan profesional dalam melaksanakan jasa profesionalnya harus sesuai dengan standar profesional yang relevan. Keahlian anggota akuntan profesional berkewajiban untuk melaksakan tugas yang diterima dari pemberi kerja dengan prinsip integritas dan objektivitas. Standar yang harus ditaati setiap anggota adalah standar yang dikeluarkan oleh IAI (Ikatan Akuntansi Indonesia), International Federation Of Accountants, badan pengatur dan undang-undang yang relevan dengan profesi akuntan.
- Kepentingan Publik
Tugas terpenting setiap anggota adalah menjaga dan mempelihara kepercayaan publik terhadap profesi akuntan. Anggota akuntan professional berkewajiban untuk bertindak dalam rangka pelayanan kepada publik, menghormati kepercayaan publik serta menunjukkan sikap profesionalisme. Salah satu ciri dari profesi adalah penerimaan tanggung jawab kepada publik. Profesi akuntan juga memegang peranan penting di masyarakat. Arti publik dari profesi akuntan meliputi klien, pemerintah, pemberi kredit, pegawai, investor, dunia bisnis dan keuangan dan pihak-pihak yang bergantung kepada integritas dan obyektivitas akuntan dalam memelihara berjalannya fungsi bisnis dengan tertib.
Contoh Kasus
Salah satu kasus yang berhubungan dengan etika profesi akuntansi yaitu kasus Manipulasi Laporan Keuangan PT KAI. Dalam kasus tersebut, terdeteksi adanya kecurangan dalam penyajian laporan keuangan. Ini merupakan suatu bentuk penipuan yang dapat menyesatkan investor dan stakeholder lainnya. Kasus ini juga berkaitan dengan masalah pelanggaran kode etik profesi akuntansi. Diduga terjadi manipulasi data dalam laporan keuangan PT KAI tahun 2005, perusahaan BUMN itu dicatat meraih keutungan sebesar Rp, 6,9 Miliar. Padahal apabila diteliti dan dikaji lebih rinci, perusahaan seharusnya menderita kerugian sebesar Rp. 63 Miliar. Komisaris PT KAI Hekinus Manao yang juga sebagai Direktur Informasi dan Akuntansi Direktorat Jenderal Perbendaharaan Negara Departemen Keuangan mengatakan, laporan keuangan itu telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik S. Manan. Audit terhadap laporan keuangan PT KAI untuk tahun 2003 dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya dilakukan oleh Badan Pemeriksan Keuangan (BPK), untuk tahun 2004 diaudit oleh BPK dan akuntan publik.
Hasil audit tersebut kemudian diserahkan direksi PT KAI untuk disetujui sebelum disampaikan dalam rapat umum pemegang saham, dan komisaris PT KAI yaitu Hekinus Manao menolak menyetujui laporan keuangan PT KAI tahun 2005 yang telah diaudit oleh akuntan publik. Setelah hasil audit diteliti dengan seksama, ditemukan adanya kejanggalan dari laporan keuangan PT KAI tahun 2005 :
- Pajak pihak ketiga sudah tiga tahun tidak pernah ditagih, tetapi dalam laporan keuangan itu dimasukkan sebagai pendapatan PT KAI selama tahun 2005.
- Kewajiban PT KAI untuk membayar surat ketetapan pajak (SKP) pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN) sebesar Rp 95,2 Miliar yang diterbitkan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak pada akhir tahun 2003 disajikan dalam laporan keuangan sebagai piutang atau tagihan kepada beberapa pelanggan yang seharusnya menanggung beban pajak itu. Padahal berdasarkan Standart Akuntansi, pajak pihak ketiga yang tidak pernah ditagih itu tidak bisa dimasukkan sebagai aset. Di PT KAI ada kekeliruan direksi dalam mencatat penerimaan perusahaan selama tahun 2005.
- Penurunan nilai persediaan suku cadang dan perlengkapan sebesar Rp 24 Miliar yang diketahui pada saat dilakukan inventarisasi tahun 2002 diakui manajemen PT KAI sebagai kerugian secara bertahap selama lima tahun. Pada akhir tahun 2005 masih tersisa saldo penurunan nilai yang belum dibebankan sebagai kerugian sebesar Rp 6 Miliar, yang seharusnya dibebankan seluruhnya dalam tahun 2005.
- Bantuan pemerintah yang belum ditentukan statusnya dengan modal total nilai komulatif sebesar Rp 674,5 Miliar dan penyertaan modal negara sebesar Rp 70 Miliar oleh manajemen PT KAI disajikan dalam neraca per 31 Desember 2005 sebagai bagian dari hutang. Akan tetapi menurut Hekinus bantuan pemerintah dan penyertaan modal harus disajikan sebagai bagian dari modal perseroan.
- Manajemen PT KAI tidak melakukan pencadangan kerugian terhadap kemungkinan tidak tertagihnya kewajiban pajak yang seharusnya telah dibebankan kepada pelanggan pada saat jasa angkutannya diberikan PT KAI tahun 1998 sampai 2003.
Perbedaan pendapat terhadap laporan keuangan antara komisaris dan auditor akuntan publik terjadi karena PT KAI tidak memiliki tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. Ketiadaan tata kelola yang baik itu juga membuat komite audit (komisaris) PT KAI baru bisa dibuka akses terhadap laporan keuangan setelah diaudit akuntan publik. Akuntan publik yang telah mengaudit laporan keuangan PT KAI tahun 2005 segera diperiksa oleh Badan Peradilan Profesi Akuntan Publik. Jika terbukti bersalah, akuntan publik itu diberi sanksi teguran atau pencabutan izin praktek.
Analisis Kasus
Menurut saya Kasus Manipulasi Laporan Keuangan PT KAI, berawal dari pembukuan yang tidak sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan. Jadi saran saya, seharusnya sebagai akuntan sudah selayaknya mematuhi prinsip etika profesi akuntansi sebagai salah satu penerapan etika profesi. Kesalahan karena tidak mematuhi prinsip ini bisa menyebabkan masalah yang sangat menyesatkan. Karena profesi Akuntan menuntut profesionalisme, netralitas, dan kejujuran. Kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap kinerjanya tentu harus diapresiasi dengan baik oleh para akuntan. Etika profesi yang disepakati harus dijunjung tinggi. Hal itu penting karena ada keterkaitan kinerja akuntan dengan kepentingan dari berbagai pihak. Banyak pihak membutuhkan jasa akuntan. Pemerintah, kreditor, masyarakat perlu mengetahui kinerja suatu entitas guna mengetahui prospek ke depan. Segala bentuk penyelewengan yang dilakukan oleh akuntan harus mendapat perhatian khusus dan tindakan tegas.
Dalam kasus ini, dari kedelapan prinsip etika profesi akuntansi yaitu tanggung jawab profesi, kepentingan publik, integritas, objektifitas, kompetensi dan kehati-hatian profesional, kerahasiaan, perilaku profesional, dan standar teknis. Prinsip-prinsip etika akuntan yang dilanggar antara lain :
- Tanggung jawab profesi
Dimana seorang akuntan harus bertanggung jawab secara professional terhadap semua kegiatan yang dilakukannya. Akuntan Internal PT. KAI kurang bertanggung jawab karena dia tidak menelusuri kekeliruan dalam pencatatan dan memperbaiki kesalahan tersebut sehingga laporan keuangan yang dilaporkan merupakan keadaan dari posisi keuangan perusahaan yang sebenarnya.
- Kepentingan Publik
Dimana akuntan harus bekerja demi kepentingan publik atau mereka yang berhubungan dengan perusahaan seperti kreditur, investor, dan lain-lain. Dalam kasus ini akuntan PT. KAI diduga tidak bekerja demi kepentingan publik karena diduga sengaja memanipulasi laporan keuangan sehingga PT. KAI yang seharusnya menderita kerugian namun karena manipulasi tersebut PT. KAI terlihat mengalami keuntungan. Hal ini tentu saja sangat berbahaya, termasuk bagi PT. KAI. Karena, apabila kerugian tersebut semakin besar namun tidak dilaporkan, maka PT. KAI bisa tidak sanggup menanggulangi kerugian tersebut.
- Integritas
Dimana akuntan harus bekerja dengan profesionalisme yang tinggi. Dalam kasus ini akuntan PT. KAI tidak menjaga integritasnya, karena diduga telah melakukan manipulasi laporan keuangan.
- Objektifitas
Dimana akuntan harus bertindak obyektif dan bersikap independen atau tidak memihak siapapun. Dalam kasus ini akuntan PT. KAI diduga tidak obyektif karena diduga telah memanipulasi laporan keuangan sehingga hanya menguntungkan pihak-pihak tertentu yang berada di PT. KAI.
- Kompetensi dan kehati-hatian professional
Akuntan dituntut harus melaksanakan jasa profesionalnya dengan penuh kehati-hatian, kompetensi, dan ketekunan, serta mempunyai kewajiban untuk mempertahankan pengetahuan dan keterampilan profesionalnya pada tingkat yang diperlukan. Dalam kasus ini, akuntan PT. KAI tidak melaksanakan kehati-hatian profesional sehingga terjadi kesalahan pencatatan yang mengakibatkan PT. KAI yang seharusnya menderita kerugian namun dalam laporan keuangan mengalami keuntungan.
- Perilaku profesional
Akuntan sebagai seorang profesional dituntut untuk berperilaku konsisten selaras dengan reputasi profesi yang baik dan menjauhi tindakan yang dapat mendiskreditkan profesinya. Dalam kasus ini akuntan PT. KAI diduga tidak berperilaku profesional yang menyebabkan kekeliruan dalam melakukan pencatatanlaporan keuangan, dan hal ini dapat mendiskreditkan (mencoreng nama baik) profesinya.
- Standar teknis
Akuntan dalam menjalankan tugas profesionalnya harus mengacu dan mematuhi standar teknis dan standar profesional yang relevan. Sesuai dengan keahliannya dan dengan berhati-hati, akuntan mempunyai kewajiban untuk melaksanakan penugasan dari penerima jasa selama penugasan tersebut sejalan dengan prinsip integritas dan obyektifitas. Dalam kasus ini akuntan tidak melaksanakan prinsip standar teknis karena tidak malaporkan laporan keuangan sesuai dengan standar akuntansi keuangan. Contohnya, pada saat PT Kereta Api Indonesia telah tiga tahun tidak dapat menagih pajak pihak ketiga. Tetapi, dalam laporan keuangan itu, pajak pihak ketiga dinyatakan sebagai pendapatan. Padahal, berdasarkan standar akuntansi keuangan tidak dapat dikelompokkan dalam bentuk pendapatan atau asset.
- https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kode_etik_profesi
- dewi_anggraini.staff.gunadarma.ac.id/Downloads/files/.../Pengantar+Etika+Profesi.ppt
- http://www.akuntansilengkap.com/akuntansi/iai-pengertian-etika-profesi-akuntansi-serta-8-prinsip-dasar-kode-etik-lengkap/
- https://bisnis.tempo.co/read/81332/laporan-keuangan-kereta-api-diduga-salah
- Harian KOMPAS Tanggal 5 Agustus 2006 dan 8 Agustus 2006
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Letter of Intent
January 28, 2017
Chris Johanes
PT E-Corp Indonesia
Subject: Letter of Intent for the Acquisition of PT Tech Company by Stefano
Dear Mr. Jansen
This letter confirms your and our mutual intent with respect to the potential transactions described here in between Stefano and your company, including its shareholders. This document, in and of itself, does not represent an enforceable legal contract
Whereas, buyer is interested in acquiring all of the outstanding stock of PT Tech Company and will be performing certain due diligence with respect to Seller’s corporation; and
Whereas, Buyer and Seller intend to negotiate the substantive terms of such acquisition, including terms of Buyer’s employment agreements with certain key employees and executives of Seller;
Now, therefore, the parties enter into this Letter of Intent as follows:
- The principal terms of the proposed transaction would be substantially as follows:
- Real and Effective Acquisition. Subject to the successful due diligence, and the successful negotiation of a purchase price for the Shares, Buyer would acquire the Shares.
- The aggregate purchase price for the Shares is to be negotiated between the parties in good faith, provided that the Purchase Agreement (as defined below) and employment agreements can be successfully negotiated concurrently with each other.
- Due Diligence Review. Promptly following the execution of this Letter of Intent, you will allow us to complete our examination of your financial, accounting and business records and the contracts and other legal documents and generally to complete due diligence. Any information obtained by us as a result thereof will be maintained by us in confidence subject to the terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement executed by the parties and dated as of 17 January (the “NDA”). The parties will cooperate to complete due diligence as expeditiously as possible.
- Definitive Purchase Agreement. All of the terms and conditions of the proposed transactions would be stated in the Purchase Agreement and employment agreements, to be negotiated in good faith concurrently with each other, and if agreed, executed by you and us. Neither party intends to be bound by any oral or written statements or correspondence concerning the Purchase Agreement or employment agreements arising during the course of negotiations, notwithstanding that the same may be expressed in terms signifying a partial, preliminary or interim agreement between the parties.
- Conduct in Ordinary Course. In addition to the conditions discussed herein and any others to be contained in a definitive written stock purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”), consummation of the acquisition would be subject to having conducted your business in the ordinary course during the period between the date hereof and the date of closing and there having been no material adverse change in your business, financial condition or prospects. Seller shall not be liable in the event of any Buyer determination that Seller did not conduct its business in the ordinary course, or for any adverse changes Buyer may deem to have occurred.
- Contract of Employment. Simultaneously with the execution of the Purchase Agreement, we would offer employment to the following individuals currently employed by Seller and you hereby agree to accept such employment, subject to the negotiation of mutually acceptable employment agreements, it being understood that the term of such employment agreements will be for a period of not less than three (3) years.
- Expenses & Limitation of Liability. You and we will pay our respective expenses incident to this Letter of Intent, the Purchase Agreement, the employment agreements and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, and NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER FOR ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER ARISING UNDER THIS LETTER OF INTENT.
- Public Announcements. Neither you nor we will make any announcement of the proposed transaction contemplated by this Letter of Intent prior to the execution of the Purchase Agreement and employment agreements without the prior written approval of the other, which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The foregoing shall not restrict in any respect your or our ability to communicate information concerning this Letter of Intent and the transactions contemplated hereby to your and our, and your and our respective affiliates’, officers, directors, employees and professional advisers, and, to the extent relevant, to third parties whose consent is required in connection with the transaction contemplated by this Letter of Intent.
- Broker’s Fees. All parties have represented to each other that no brokers or finders have been employed who would be entitled to a fee by reason of the transaction contemplated by this Letter of Intent.
- Exclusive Negotiating Rights. In order to induce us to commit the resources, forego other potential opportunities, and incur the legal, accounting and incidental expenses necessary properly to evaluate the possibility of acquiring the outstanding capital stock and business described above, and to negotiate the terms of, and consummate, the transactions contemplated hereby, including the employment agreements, you agree that for a period of ninety (90) days after the date hereof, you, your affiliates and your and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents shall not initiate, solicit, encourage, directly or indirectly, or accept any offer or proposal, regarding your employment and/or the possible acquisition of substantially all outstanding capital stock of PT Tech Company by any person other than us, including, without limitation, by way of a purchase of majority shares, purchase of substantially all assets or merger, of all or any substantial part of your equity securities or assets, and shall not (other than in the ordinary course of business as heretofore conducted) provide any confidential information regarding your assets or business to any person other than us and your and our representatives, without our prior written consent.
- This letter shall be governed by the substantive laws of the State of Indonesia without regard to conflict of law principles. This letter, together with the aforementioned NDA, constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the parties hereto and their affiliates with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, representations, warranties and understandings of such parties (whether oral or written). No promise, inducement, representation or agreement, other than as expressly set forth herein, has been made to or by the parties hereto. This letter may be amended only by written agreement, signed by the parties to be bound by the amendment. Evidence shall be inadmissible to show agreement by and between such parties to any term or condition contrary to or in addition to the terms and conditions contained in this letter. This letter shall be construed according to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against either party.
If the foregoing terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please so indicate by signing this letter where indicated below and returning it to the attention of the undersigned.
Chris Johanes
President and CEO
PT E-Corp Indonesia
President and CEO
PT Tech Company
English Tense Used in Business English
- Mrs. April works in The Bank of Indonesia
- Our company has been supplying technical product for almost 5 years
- While i was preparing my financial report, fania was looking for the documents
- Mr. Andi always pays income tax every month
- I was preparing the invoice, when my computer suddenly crashed
- My brother is going to the bank for saving money as a deposit
- Our distributor called while i was looking at the company’s financial report
- We ordered the goods three days ago
- I was preparing the income statement at seven o’clock
- These customer have been purchasing our products for over a year
Enchanted Fish
Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman and
his greedy wife. They lived in a nasty dirty little hut and were so miserable.
One day, the fisherman went to fishing. He got a huge fish and suddenly asked him to freed the fish. So, then, he talked about that fish and his wife insisted him for visit the fish then asked what she wishes for; a little snug cozy cottage. After the enchanted fish granted it which told the fisherman came to his little snug cozy cottage.
However, his wife wasn't happy and wished for being an emperor who insisted her husband. Thereafter, the fisherman came again and begged the enchanted fish for granted it again. It was succeeded, the fisherman went to his castle and didn't back for a few time.
That night, the fisherman's wife was angry and insisted the fisherman for went again which wanted to be Lord of Sun and Moon. The fisherman came again with his annoyed face. At the time when he begged for, the enchanted fish turned them back as poor forever
One day, the fisherman went to fishing. He got a huge fish and suddenly asked him to freed the fish. So, then, he talked about that fish and his wife insisted him for visit the fish then asked what she wishes for; a little snug cozy cottage. After the enchanted fish granted it which told the fisherman came to his little snug cozy cottage.
However, his wife wasn't happy and wished for being an emperor who insisted her husband. Thereafter, the fisherman came again and begged the enchanted fish for granted it again. It was succeeded, the fisherman went to his castle and didn't back for a few time.
That night, the fisherman's wife was angry and insisted the fisherman for went again which wanted to be Lord of Sun and Moon. The fisherman came again with his annoyed face. At the time when he begged for, the enchanted fish turned them back as poor forever
The Conclution of the story "Enchanted Fish" are,
As we know the fisherman's wife was so greedy and wants everything to be owned of her. We can learn from this story to not to be a greedy person like the fisherman's wife because it will make anyone hate you and make yourself be a bad person. just be humble as you are.
As we know the fisherman's wife was so greedy and wants everything to be owned of her. We can learn from this story to not to be a greedy person like the fisherman's wife because it will make anyone hate you and make yourself be a bad person. just be humble as you are.
we must not be a greedy person because that will make a problem later on and we must not be lazy moreover depend on other people, we must be a hard worker to reach our dream
Rapunzel's Story
Long ago, a king and queen had a baby daughter
named Rapunzel. What her devoted parents didn’t know was that Rapunzel’s golden
hair contained magical healing powers. A selfish old woman named Mother Gothel
knew of the magic in Rapunzel’s hair and wanted it to keep herself young.
As Rapunzel’s hair grew and grew, she loved gazing out the tower window at the lights that floated in the night sky every year on her birthday. She longed to leave the tower and see them up close, but Mother Gothel refused. Meanwhile, a young thief named Flynn Rider had stolen something special from the King’s castle, and the royal guards were after him. Suddenly, he saw the perfect hiding place—a tower!
When Flynn Rider climbed into the tower, Rapunzel knocked him out with a frying pan. Then she secretly inspected the satchel he carried. Inside, Rapunzel found a sparkling gold object. It was so familiar. Flynn Rider awoke and found himself tied to a chair with Rapunzel's long, golden hair. Rapunzel pointed to her painting of the floating lights.
Tomorrow was her
eighteenth birthday. If Flynn took her to see the lights, she’d return his
satchel. After Flynn agreed to help, Rapunzel used her hair to climb down from
the tower. She'd never been outside before! But when her feet touched the
grass, Rapunzel nearly burst with excitement, exclaiming, “Woo-hoo!” Rapunzel
and Flynn enjoyed their adventure, but they were being chased!
Mother Gothel was looking for them. The royal guards were after Flynn, and so were his angry partners in crime. They wanted the crown! Days passed, and Rapunzel and Flynn managed to escape their pursuers. One morning, Rapunzel saw a breathtaking sight: a beautiful kingdom with a castle sitting high above. She headed straight to it! In the town, Rapunzel was drawn to a painting of the King, the Queen, and their baby, who was known as the lost princess. The child had golden hair and green eyes... just like her!
Flynn rowed Rapunzel out to view the floating lights, which were actually lanterns! Flynn gave Rapunzel her own lantern to send into the night, and she returned the crown. Then the couple gazed into each other's eyes. They were falling in love. Later, Flynn and Rapunzel were separated. Mother Gothel told Rapunzel that Flynn had only wanted the crown. But she realized Mother Gothel was lying! Rapunzel now knew that she was the lost princess! Suddenly, Flynn arrived to rescue Rapunzel! But Mother Gothel hurt him badly. She wanted Rapunzel to stay with her forever. If she did, she’d allow Rapunzel to heal Flynn.
But before Rapunzel could act, Flynn cut off her hair, which lost its magic. Without the magic, Mother Gothel quickly aged and turned to dust. Rapunzel was now free, but Flynn was dying. “You were my new dream,” he whispered. One of Rapunzel’s tears fell on Flynn and began to glow... and healed him! Flynn brought Rapunzel back to the castle. The King and Queen rushed to embrace their lost princess. That night, the entire kingdom celebrated her return by launching hundreds of lanterns—the lights that had guided her home.
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As Rapunzel’s hair grew and grew, she loved gazing out the tower window at the lights that floated in the night sky every year on her birthday. She longed to leave the tower and see them up close, but Mother Gothel refused. Meanwhile, a young thief named Flynn Rider had stolen something special from the King’s castle, and the royal guards were after him. Suddenly, he saw the perfect hiding place—a tower!
When Flynn Rider climbed into the tower, Rapunzel knocked him out with a frying pan. Then she secretly inspected the satchel he carried. Inside, Rapunzel found a sparkling gold object. It was so familiar. Flynn Rider awoke and found himself tied to a chair with Rapunzel's long, golden hair. Rapunzel pointed to her painting of the floating lights.

Mother Gothel was looking for them. The royal guards were after Flynn, and so were his angry partners in crime. They wanted the crown! Days passed, and Rapunzel and Flynn managed to escape their pursuers. One morning, Rapunzel saw a breathtaking sight: a beautiful kingdom with a castle sitting high above. She headed straight to it! In the town, Rapunzel was drawn to a painting of the King, the Queen, and their baby, who was known as the lost princess. The child had golden hair and green eyes... just like her!
Flynn rowed Rapunzel out to view the floating lights, which were actually lanterns! Flynn gave Rapunzel her own lantern to send into the night, and she returned the crown. Then the couple gazed into each other's eyes. They were falling in love. Later, Flynn and Rapunzel were separated. Mother Gothel told Rapunzel that Flynn had only wanted the crown. But she realized Mother Gothel was lying! Rapunzel now knew that she was the lost princess! Suddenly, Flynn arrived to rescue Rapunzel! But Mother Gothel hurt him badly. She wanted Rapunzel to stay with her forever. If she did, she’d allow Rapunzel to heal Flynn.
But before Rapunzel could act, Flynn cut off her hair, which lost its magic. Without the magic, Mother Gothel quickly aged and turned to dust. Rapunzel was now free, but Flynn was dying. “You were my new dream,” he whispered. One of Rapunzel’s tears fell on Flynn and began to glow... and healed him! Flynn brought Rapunzel back to the castle. The King and Queen rushed to embrace their lost princess. That night, the entire kingdom celebrated her return by launching hundreds of lanterns—the lights that had guided her home.
Why Nation Trade
The sale of
goods and services is not restricted to local, regional, or national market, it
often takes place on an international basis. Nations import goods that they
lack or cannot produce as efficiently as other nations, and they export goods
that they can produce more efficiently. This exchange of goods and services in
the world, or global market is known as international trade. There are three
main benefits to be gained from this type of exchange.
Effects of nation trade
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international trade makes scarce goods available to nations that need or desire
them. When a nation lacks the resources needed to produce goods domestically,
it may import them from another country, for example, Saudi Arabia imports
automobiles; the United States, bananas; and Japan, oil.
international trade allows a nation to specialize in production of those goods
for which it is particularly suited. This often results in increased output,
decreased costs, and a higher national standard of living. Natural, human, and
technical resources help determine which products a nation will specialize in.
Saudi Arabia is able to specialize in petroleum because it has the necessary
natural resource; Japan is able to specialize in production of television
because it has the human resources required to assemble the numerous components
by hand, and the United States is able to specialize in the computer industry
because it has the technical expertise necessary for design and production.
There are
two economic principles that help explain how and when specialization is
advantageous. According to the theory of absolute advantage, a nation ought to
specialize in the goods that it can produce more cheaply than its competitors
or in the goods that no other nation is able to produce. According to the
theory of comparative advantage, a nation ought to concentrate on the products
that it can produce most efficiently and profitably. For example, a nation
might produce both grain and wine cheaply, but it specialize in the one which
will be more profitable.
The third
benefit of international trade is its political effects. Nations that trade
together develop common interests which may help them overcome political
differences. Economic cooperation has been the foundation for many political alliances,
such as the European Economic Community (Common Market) founded in 1957.
trade has done much to improve global conditions. it enables countries to
import goods they lack or cannot produce domestically. It allows countries to
specialize in certain goods with increased production and decreased prices.
Finally, it opens the channels of communication between nations. (Taken from Business
Concepts for English Practice by Barbara Tolley Dowling and Marianne
- Force producers to use domestic resources
- help domestic producers compete
- higher consumer prices
- producers lose incentive to become more efficient and produce goods less expensively
- trade wars
Advantages of nation trade
- Shelters jobs that could be hurt by foreign competition
- Shelters infant industries until they can compete with well-developed foreign industries
- Assures that countries will be self-sufficient in case of emergency